Is Bovada Legal In Texas?

Bovada Casino

Sports betting is legal in some states but not in others. The same goes for casino betting. However, it can be tricky to navigate the complex rules and regulations across the United States, since every state has its own position on this. Some states have long since legalized online betting, whether for sports, casino, or both. Others do not allow it in any form.

So, what's the deal in Texas? Is Bovada legal in Texas or not?

The latest position in Texas

Texans attempted to get sports betting legalized in the state in 2021, but unfortunately they failed. 2023 marks the next attempt to push it through. There are plenty of voices speaking positively about the idea, so maybe 2023 will be the year that it happens. Watch this space.

Why does Bovada welcome bettors from Texas then?

It sounds a little confusing, doesn't it? Bovada does indeed welcome residents of most US states to sign up and play or bet there, including those from Texas. That's because Bovada is based offshore, and therefore it does not need to adhere to the laws in force in the US. It is usually not a good idea to use offshore casinos or sports betting services because they do not provide any protection for the player should anything go wrong. However, Bovada has been around since 2011, and was powered by Bodog before that. Bodog is well known to many online casino players, so it has a pedigree that is unmatched by many other offshore brands.

Make sure you are happy to play at Bovada before you begin

The laws pertaining to online gambling in the US put the onus on the providers of the services to abide by them. This means you should be able to make bets without worrying about any comeback. Be aware of all the current legislation and rules before you begin though, as this can make it much easier to understand where you are and how you can make the most of the Bovada website.