Is Bovada Legal In California?

Bovada Casino

Bovada offers a sportsbook and casino rolled into one website, so it's ideal if you regularly play casino games and like to place the odd bet on a favorite sport, team, or player as well. You may know that online betting in the US varies in terms of legality depending on the individual state a person lives in. So, is Bovada legal in California or not? We find out more below.

What's the situation regarding online betting in California?

You cannot legally bet at an online casino or sportsbook if you live in California, since the laws there currently do not allow for this. However, if you check the Bovada website, you'll see that while there are some restricted states listed in their help center, these states do not include California.

So, what's the deal? Can you play at Bovada or not?

Bovada is an offshore site targeting players in the US

Its offshore nature puts it in a gray area for online betting. Since the law typically focuses on the site and not the player, there has yet to be any legal case against an individual using an offshore betting site while resident anywhere in the US.

So, is it safe to play at Bovada?

You do need to be aware that the offshore nature of the site works in two ways. Firstly, you can technically sign up to use Bovada casino and sportsbook and get around the laws in California at the moment. Secondly, it does also mean that you're not protected should anything go wrong. Legal sites operating under legislation in force in their state (in cases where sites operate legally in selected states) are protected by that legislation. It means players are protected too, so of course, Bovada being offshore means it doesn't apply in this case.

Bovada is a trusted brand that has a long track record

This is worth remembering if you're still thinking about whether to sign up and play there. Bovada has been around for a long while now, serving many players across the US in the process. If you are wondering whether to join, check out Bovada today and see what you make of it. You'll find lots of appealing reasons to sign up.