How to Safely Play at an Online Casino

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There are hundreds of online casinos available, catering to players across the world. While they do not all welcome players from your country, there are still lots for you to choose from, no matter where you live. The most important element is staying safe at online casinos, so let's cover that in this article.

Can you use a specific casino in your location?

Location can mean country, or in the case of the US, it could mean an individual state. If you live in the US, check whether any casino you've found is legal in your state. Some allow sportsbook use but not casinos, while others are the opposite. Some allow both, so you can see how important it is to check this.

If you live in another country, you need to check whether a casino welcomes players from your location. You can often check the terms and conditions and look for restricted jurisdictions to cover this topic. In some cases, you may not be able to view the casino website… and in this case, you've got your answer already.

Does the casino meet the proper licensing and regulatory requirements?

Most countries have at least one body that manages licensing for online casinos. In the case of the US, every state will have their own regulatory body to manage licenses for such sites. Check whether the license number is active and correct if you find a casino you want to play at, so you can be sure of picking one that is safe to use.

Does the casino offer two-step verification?

What's this? It's a way of verifying your identity whenever you log into your account. Instead of just logging in as usual with your username and password, the casino will send a code to your phone or email address. You must then enter the code on the website to gain access to your account. It means there is far less chance of anyone else accessing your casino account and spending or withdrawing any money you might have in there.

Look for responsible gambling programs at each casino

Every casino has a responsibility to their players to offer a range of responsible gambling services. You should be able to find this linked to from the casino website. There should be a minimum age accepted, with age checks to confirm that no one who joins is under age. The casino should also offer self-exclusion methods, available inside your account, so if you wish to activate any of those, you can do so without asking anyone at the casino.

Look for a safe site to make payments at

Make sure whichever casino you're considering joining has a secure connection that extends to protecting online payments when you deposit money into your account. Look for a range of payment methods too, so you can choose the one that makes the most sense to you. There are all kinds of cards, e-wallets, and other methods to choose from, but most countries do have limitations.

Research every casino too - you can learn plenty if you do

If you've got an idea of which casinos you might like to sign up to, you can research each one, keeping in mind the various points we have made in this article. You'll be able to narrow the field to only those casinos that provide the best and safest service.