Sunrise Slots Casino

Sunrise Slots Casino

Sunrise Slots… it sounds like the best name for a casino that has a sunny appearance. We love their logo because they use three panels, looking much like a classic slot machine, with the sun rising higher in each one.

That's not the best reason to explore Sunrise Slots Casino though. We can go way better than that. We've listed three reasons why we believe you should check out this casino, so you can find out more about it right here.

You'll see the newest games on the landing page

Not just on that page either - right at the top. There is a panel there that has several changing screens, and most of those screens show you the latest slots to land at the casino.

You can also read more about the welcome bonus

This occupied one of the panels we mentioned above. We love this panel because it uses the same slot machine imagery to show a 400% bonus opportunity for new players. You can also see many of the characters you'll meet across some of the leading slots at the site. We spotted a dinosaur (a T-Rex), a beaver, a bandit, and some wrestlers, among others.

Discover the hottest slots of the moment

This is a rare feature - in fact, we cannot think of another casino that does this. Lower down the homepage at Sunrise Slots Casino, you'll see a message that says 'Today's Hot Slots'. You can click the link below it to see which games are hot right now.

What does this mean? It doesn't refer to games that are most played - it refers to the ones releasing the biggest prizes on that day. Obviously, there is no guarantee you'll benefit from playing any of those, or that any prizes will come your way. However, we did like the feature, and we think it is a reasonable way to spot some different slots to try if you fancy some.

Visit Sunrise Slots Casino today to find out more

You'll find lots more to look through and appreciate - and play, of course - when you visit Sunrise Slots Casino online today. Check out the elements we've me

ntioned here and explore further before deciding whether to open an account. And remember that you can play demo games with no need to sign up first.